7 Steps to Managing Your Mental Health as an Equestrian Athlete

It is not uncommon to have equestrian athletes deal with mental health and emotional stress. The equestrian world can be demanding and high-pressure, where success is often equated with individual performance. This blog post will talk about some easy-to-follow strategies to help manage your mental health as an equestrian athlete.

It is important to have a healthy breakfast every day, which will help you stay focused and energetic throughout the day. Make sure your meals are balanced with carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and vegetables. Avoid eating too much sugar or caffeine as they can cause blood sugar spikes that leave you feeling tired, instead drink lots of water and fruits throughout the day.

It is also important to get enough sleep every night because lack of sleep can create negative effects on mental health and physical performance. The National Sleep Foundation says that equestrians should aim for around eight hours of sleep per night to feel energized during the day.

It is also recommended to be active outside of training time as it can help with mental health. It has been shown that equestrians who exercise have decreased anxiety levels compared to those who do not work out regularly. Participating in sports or other physical activities non-related to horseback riding will not just help equestrians with their mental health, but it will also improve physical performance.

It is important to avoid taking on too much responsibility outside of the show ring as well. A study conducted by the University of Calgary found that equestrians who take on a lot of responsibilities at work or school tend to have an increase in anxiety symptoms; The pillars of a calm mind are organization and balance.

Let go of perfectionism as much as possible. Many equestrian athletes believe that being a perfect equestrian athlete means doing everything perfectly or making no mistakes in training or competition. This is not the case, and equestrians need to focus on mistakes as learning opportunities.

Spending time with your horse outside of training and competition is crucial to developing a closer bond and building an excellent relationship. Most equestrians who have difficulty managing their mental health tend to spend very little extra time with their horses. Spending quality bonding time with your horses can lead to feeling happier and more relaxed, which also helps improve your performance the next time you've on the ring.

Another way that equestrians can manage stress levels better is by journaling. Writing down your equestrian-related thoughts and all the feelings you experience during the day helps improve mental clarity and reduce stress levels. It is also good to learn how to problem-solve more effectively instead of avoiding problems altogether. Approach challenges, like jumps, straight on!

So, let's review our 7 easy to follow steps to Mental Health as an Equestrian Athlete:

1.       Maintain a healthy diet high in antioxidants for increased energy levels and drinks lots of water throughout the day. 

2.       Get enough sleep.

3.       Exercise regularly.

4.       Avoid perfectionism.

5.       Manage how many responsibilities you take on.

6.       Spend additional quality bonding time with your horses.

7.       Learn to problem-solve more effectively; Remember, the pillars of a calm mind are organization and balance.

If you are or you know of an equestrian athlete who feels like they need help dealing with stress or anxiety, it is a good idea to encourage them to speak with a mental health specialist. Helping your equestrian peers feel empowered and enabling them to succeed is what sportsmanship is all about. There are days and times for competitions, but equestrians should always remember that they are a part of something bigger than just themselves.


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